The Ant and the Grasshopper

Once upon a time, in a beautiful meadow, there lived an ant and a grasshopper. The ant was a hard worker and always saved food for the winter, while the grasshopper spent his days singing and dancing, not worrying about the future.

One warm summer day, the ant was out gathering food for the winter when he saw the grasshopper lounging in the sun. “Hey Grasshopper,” said the ant, “Don’t you think you should be gathering food for the winter? It’s going to be here before we know it.”

The grasshopper laughed and said, “Why worry about winter? There’s plenty of food now and I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts.”

The ant shook his head and went back to his work. As the days passed, the ant continued to gather food while the grasshopper continued to sing and dance.

As winter approached, the ant had a cozy home filled with food, but the grasshopper had nothing. He was cold and hungry, and he realized that he should have listened to the ant’s advice.

Feeling ashamed and guilty, the grasshopper went to the ant and begged for help. The ant, being kind-hearted, took pity on the grasshopper and shared some of his food with him.

The moral of the story is that it’s important to plan for the future and not just live for today. It teaches children about the importance of responsibility, hard work, and the value of planning and preparation. The story also teaches children about the importance of kindness and helping others in need.